How Often Should I Clean My Windows?

The answer depends on several factors, including the weather, the location of your home, and the type of glass that you have. We'll discuss some guidelines for cleaning the exterior of your home  and provide tips for maintaining the appearance and longevity.

  1. Weather Conditions

      The weather in Seattle is often rainy and cloudy, which means that the exterior of the house can get dirty very quickly. Here are some factors to consider:

  • If it's been raining a lot, your windows may have water spots and streaks. In this case, it is recommended to wash them once every three months. 

  • During the winter months, they can get dirty due to the cold weather and precipitation. It's a good idea to make sure your windows are well washed before winter sets in and after it ends, so twice a year.

  • In the summer months, the sun can cause dirt and grime to build up. If that’s the case, making sure they are well cleaned every two months is recommended.


  1. Location of Your Home

     Another factor to consider when deciding how often to clean your windows is the location of your home. For example:

  • If your home is located near a busy street, they may collect dirt and dust more quickly. In this case, cleaning them once every two months is recommended.

  • If your home is located in a wooded area, they may collect pollen and other debris from trees. Washing them once every three months is recommended in this case.


  1. Type of Windows

     The type you have can also affect how often you should wash them. For example:

  • Single-paned ones are more prone to collecting dust and dirt than double-paned windows. Washing  them once every two months is recommended. 

  • Tinted or reflective ones are more prone to showing streaks and should therefore be washed more often. 


The general rule of thumb, if the exterior of the house is visibly dirty, it might need your attention. However, washing as frequently as once a week may not be necessary. In most cases, a professional exterior washing company will schedule the proper services for you.

In conclusion, the frequency of cleaning your windows depends on several factors. If you're unsure about how often you should clean them, we recommend contacting a professional cleaning service. They can assess the condition of your home exterior and recommend a cleaning schedule that suits your needs.

At  Blueskies windows and gutter cleaning, we offer a variety of services, including window cleaning, gutter cleaning, and pressure washing. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help keep your home looking its best.